Wednesday, May 4, 2011

What's in a Name?

As it turns out, the mere reality of simply touching my feet down on U.S. soil last October silenced my “blog voice.” I didn’t realize this voice was quite so particular. Apparently, the preference here is that of foreign lands, and really, who can argue with this? Providing more ammunition to this theory is the fact that in the shower this morning, on departure day for Euro Trip 2011, the voice came back. While referring to this little friend as a “voice” may have some of you hurrying to send email blasts to friends and family asking for recommendations for a good therapist, I assure you this is far from a psychological burden and much more of a welcome companion. Without it, I would be far from able to regale you, yet again, with tales of my adventures abroad. So, that being said, Welcome back, Voice! I’ve missed you.

This being the first new post of many, I thought I would take a moment to welcome you to In Search of Everywhere, the NowEuropeToDate edition and explain the fantastic origins of this title and subsequently, punny subtitle. The overall title comes from a quote I love that was on a card my dear friend Elise gave me for my birthday (at the time I'm sure she didn't know this would make her famous)....the inspirational words of Susan Sontag, "I haven't been everywhere but it's on my list." So now it's my turn to continue in my own personal search of everywhere.

I wanted a new blog name that could carry me through further travels beyond my trek through Europe but needed something catchy for the name of this leg of my life's search. I held a bit of a brainstorming session at a Bon Voyage dinner last night encouraging my family to assist in the naming of this guy. Nothing like a little family cooperation. Big shocker if you know TC (my Dad), this title was all him. I must give credit where credit is due. After tossing out the idea that Europe sounds an awful lot like “you’re up,” TC took the ball and ran with it...and I believe he would have run faster had those knees allowed it. At any rate, I woke up to a text message this morning that said “noweuropetodate?” I, of course, smirked at this and thought if I did, surely others must as well. Everyone loves a good pun. Here’s hoping right? Furthermore, this offering was much better and made a lot more sense than his original suggestion….wait for it….Europopotamus! Yes, Europe with hippopotamus. Your guess is as good as mine people.

So there you have it, In Search of Everywhere, the NowEuropeToDate edition.

On more of a side note, I would of course be connecting through Washington DC the morning after the assassination of Osama Bin ShotHim..…errr..….Bin Laden (here I go thinking I’m hilarious again) was announced. My dad discreetly asked me for my flight number this morning because he wanted to “track it on” I’m much more inclined to believe that “track it on” is code for “I want to have your flight number handy when CNN starts announcing the numbers of hijacked flights to make sure you’re not on one.” I appreciate his discretion though. What are dads for if not to try to keep you safe from terrorist plots?! What a world right? Just so you know, we made it. En route to Madrid as we speak. Viva Espana!...or something that makes any sort of translatable sense.

And NowEuropeToDate...

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